Message from Linda Burt (Relief Society President)

As a fun activity, my son who lives in Michigan, sent our family a link to a personality test and we enjoyed reading our results, sharing them with each other, and commenting on what seemed true/untrue for each person. Some people in our family are “extraverts” while others are “introverts”. Some are predominately “thinkers” while others rated as “feelers”. It was fun, and a good conversation starter, and entertaining.

Have you ever wondered what character traits are important to God? In a 2011 Ensign article titled Covenants, President Nelson wrote, “The greatest compliment that can be earned here in this life is to be known as a covenant keeper.” I believe it’s safe to say that to God, covenant keeping is a highly valued trait. 

We are covenant makers. We make covenants when we are baptized, each week when we take the sacrament, and there are several covenants we make in the temple. Once we have made covenants, it is important that we keep our covenants. We are better people when we make and keep covenants. 

President Nelson’s wife, Wendy Watson Nelson, writes, 

As covenant keepers, what we want out of life; what we are willing to spend our time, energy, and money on; what we think is entertaining; what we think is appealing — all change.

How we feel about others, how connected we feel to others, how we care about, and care for, others — all change. 

As covenant keepers, we find that how we feel about fasting and fast offerings, and about tithing and about the temple, about obedience and sacrifice, about attending our meetings on Sunday, and about the Sabbath day itself – changes. 

As covenant keepers, we find that how we feel about the Savior changes forever!

I enjoyed our family game about traits that my son suggested. I found out I am an extrovert, and a feeler, but the thing I most want to be known for in my life is being a covenant keeper. 

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, 

If you have made covenants, keep them.

If you haven’t made them, make them.

If you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them.

Much love to each of you,

Linda Burt, Relief Society President