Returning to Worship Together

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We presume that you received the emails “Returning to Worship” and “Clarification Re: Returning to Worship” from the Stake Presidency sent this week concerning the process of returning to worship together on the Sabbath.

The Bishopric supports the Stake and Utah Area Presidency’s directive regarding the best course of action for the North Logan Stake and is working to prepare a cautious and measured return for our Ward to meet in person. The Bishopric is also grateful for everyone who participated in and responded to the survey emailed by Bishop Allen. We reviewed, considered and are very aware of all your responses, concerns and worries, and will do all we can to address those concerns as we start meeting again in person. Because circumstances and health issues vary by individual, please do not feel compelled to attend meetings and be assured that we support you should you choose not to participate for a time.

Please take seriously, as we do, the Stake and Area Presidency’s encouragement that that no one should attend who is (a) not comfortable coming for any reason; (b) sick or anyone in their family is sick, or has the potential of having been exposed to the virus in the last 14 days; (c) considered high-risk according to Utah State guidelines, including and especially those 65 and older or health-compromised; and/or (d) waiting on a pending COVID-19 test.

As we return to meeting in person, the Ward leadership will strictly follow all health, safety, cleaning, and sanitizing recommendations and requirements set forth by the Church, the Stake, and our Department of Health.

The Elk Ride Ward will be meeting on June 21. The Bishopric is in the process of planning and organizing the meeting/building schedule for that day and will provide additional information as we get closer to June 21. We will implement our Ward plan to effectuate this return to meeting in person for those who are comfortable attending and who are not considered high-risk, and will adhere to the guidelines and requirements outlined in the Stake’s emails, including as set forth under the headings: (1) Prior to the Meeting; (2) Sacrament Meeting; (3) Sacrament Preparation and Administration; and (4) Building Cleaning.

Finally, a member of the Bishopric will be calling each of you over the next several days to discuss whether you and your family plan on attending and re: any concerns or questions you may have.

Spiritual Thought

This week during a family discussion about conversion, we talked about the people in The Book of Mormon known as the Anti-Nephi-Lehies, and how they “laid down the weapons of their rebellion,” burying them “deep in the earth” as “a testimony to God … that they never would use [their] weapons again.” Elder Renlund recently taught that “[i]In doing so, they promised to follow God’s teachings and never go back on their commitment. This action was the beginning of being “converted unto the Lord” and never falling away.”

Elder Renlund went on to say that “Being ‘converted unto the Lord’ means leaving one course of action, directed by an old belief system, and adopting a new one based on faith in Heavenly Father’s plan and in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. This change is more than an intellectual acceptance of gospel teachings. It shapes our identity, transforms our understanding of life’s meaning, and leads to unchanging fidelity to God. Personal desires that are contrary to being anchored to the Savior and to following the covenant path fade away and are replaced by a determination to submit to the will of Heavenly Father.”

As we start to open up and phase back into ways of life that have been eliminated or otherwise placed on hold over the last few months because of the pandemic, I invite each of you to examine your lives and your personal conversion to determine what weapons of rebellion or even lesser weapons of distraction have been laid down during this pandemic or what weapons should be laid down, to never use again.

Elder Renlund encouraged all of us to “commit to a lifelong process of discipleship. Make and keep covenants. Throw your old ways into deep, churning waterfalls. Completely bury your weapons of rebellion with no handles sticking out. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, making covenants with a real intent to reliably honor them will bless your life forever. You will become more like the Savior as you always remember Him, follow Him, and adore Him.”

We all have weapons of rebellion or distraction in need of complete burial and this is a perfect time to make or renew such a commitment to the Lord. Let us come out of this pandemic better people, more determined to submit to the will of Heavenly Father, and more converted unto than Lord with unchanging fidelity to Him.

Other Items of Note

  • Please remember that Bishop Allen has directed President Boyce in the administration of the sacrament within the walls of your home each week. This has not changed and will not change even though some members of our ward will be meeting for sacrament meeting once a month. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Our Sunday and youth Zoom meetings are supplemental to your home-centered studies.  Please remember these Zoom meetings are to help you connect to your neighbors and give you some spiritual nourishment; but, they should not replace home-centered worship/study. This Sunday, some of the graduating seniors will speak to us at 11:30 a.m.
  • We congratulate the following young women and men of our Ward who graduated from seminary this year. Well done!

                Danielle Alder

                Joshua Backlund

                Samantha Boyce

                Conner Casselman

                Tanner Jenkins

                Isaac Lagerholm

                Jaxon Riggs

                Samantha Worthen

  • We have received the records of the Steven and Heather Hernandez, and Heather’s daughters, Olivia Kelley (13), Alyson Kelley (11) and Kayla Kelley (7). They are a wonderful family and I hope we can all welcome the Hernandez family into the Ward.
  • We continue to encourage you to check in on neighbors and those to whom you minister. Please check in on those you love and care for to ensure their needs are being meet. That said, please also remember to respect individuals’ desires to maintain appropriate physical distance and continue to practice healthy patterns as suggested by our Department of Health.
  • The Stake Presidency would like the missionaries to feed the members of the stake by providing virtual (15-minute) lessons. The Stake has created a calendar with dates and times that work with the missionaries’ schedule.  I have enclosed the link for your convenience: If you would like to sign-up but are unable to use the link, please contact our ward missionaries, Mike and Zoe Ann Weston for assistance. 
  • The Teacher’s Quorum will be holding a Zoom Meeting Talent Show on Tuesday June 2nd at 7:00 pm.  We invite members of the ward particularly those who need a good pick me up with fun and youthful entertainment to send your email address to Brother Rogers.  Prior to the event we will send out a Zoom link to watch us demonstrate our talents. We look forward to entertaining you.
  • Temple Recommends can be issued or renewed by meeting with a member of the Bishopric and Stake Presidency. Please contact Brother Ryan Jensen to set up an appointment. A member of the Bishopric will provide instruction on the process.
  • Online video meetings with the Bishop should be arranged through Brother Ryan Jensen.

We continue to pray for all of you and your families. Please let us know if you need anything.