This Victory Is Already Won

Bishop has asked me, Matt Rogers, to send out some thoughts and information this week.  Throughout the week I have wanted to write words of encouragement, lift up your heart and help you find some solace in this difficult time where many of you face loneliness, economic worries and just fear.  I will be completely honest, this has been harder than I thought possible.  I have passed the week with an ever changing lifestyle, at work I am in constant change and flux as we try to adapt the medical practice to maintain a healthy population but not increase a dangerous one.  I have been involved in meeting after meeting in the planning and implementation of strategies.  At home my wife has struggled to implement a school curriculum for 3 children, worried that it will be her children who return to school and are found to be lacking from their home studies.  My oldest child has come down crying after he went to bed, wondering when the coronavirus will be over.  I long to see my parents as fear and possibilities float through my mind as they try to isolate themselves as best as they possibly can.  It is out of these thoughts and many more that I approach you with words of hope. 

It is out of this I am grateful for my good friend Ryan Jensen who pointed me to a talk by Elder Jeffrey Holland this last month.  Elder Holland speaking at Stanford on February 9th, 2020 stated,

“Let me editorialize here for a minute. . . Yes, life can be challenging.  Yes, we have pain and regrets and real problems to work through.  Yes, we have disappointments and sorrow, all kinds of highs and lows.  But the Lord and the prophets have spoken enough encouraging words about how to face those problems to fill a cosmic journal.  The Savior’s benediction upon His disciples even as He moved toward the pain and agony of Gethsemane and Calvary is the most famous of these.  On the night, the night of the greatest suffering that has ever taken place in the world or that ever will take place, the Savior said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. . . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  What a stunning view of life in the most agonizing of hours!  How can He possibly say that facing what He knows He is facing?  Because this is the Church of the happy endings!  This victory is already won.”

I know my fear is not unwarranted.  I know that I beg my mother and every other individual over 60 to stay indoors, hunker down, as this is the best way that our government and church leaders have designed for us to be spared.  Friendships will have to be built over the internet, children will have to cry at windows, tears will be shed. But through it all peace can come to our hearts, peace can slow down the racing heart.  Don’t miss this time of the year worrying about what you cannot solve, do what you can to be as prepared as possible, follow the guidelines outlined by those we have positioned to look out for the public good (see letter at bottom).  Then look to Christ, remember that just under two thousand years ago, the Son of Man was preparing to spend His last weeks upon this earth.  Open the Come Follow Me lessons dedicated to this Easter Season and find comfort in Him who has comfort to give.  Seek Him who calms fears, dries eyes and hears even the child’s cries.  I testify of a Savior who loves you, who loves me and wants us more than anything to come unto him.

-Brother Matt Rogers

Young Woman Personal Progress:

We would like to recognize the following individuals who have fulfilled the requirements for their Young Woman Personal Progress by earning their Young Women’s recognition award.  This accomplishment required the dedication to set and accomplish goals designed to strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ, strengthen their relationship with their families and prepare to make and keep covenants. We honor their dedication.

Danielle Alder

Cambria Cann

Jadyn Falslev

Evelyn Larsen

Carly Nash

Ava Riggs

Joni Kartchner (leader)

Gospel Living App

Everyone should download and sign in to the Gospel Living app and become familiar with the Circles tab.  This will be a great way to share information send uplifting messages.  If you have concerns setting this up please contact one of the bishops councilors.

Missionary Update:

As many of our missionaries come home it is imperative that we adhere to the guidelines set forth by our Area Presidency regarding their isolation and missionary release and reassignment.

From the Relief Society:

“We have several missionaries in our ward who have recently come home or are going to be coming home soon! This is an exciting and challenging time for these missionaries.  As a ward, we were wanting to find a way to welcome them back.  We have decided to “heart attack” their homes.  This is where we need your help!  Please cut out a paper heart and write a message on it, draw a picture, or whatever you want! This would be a great activity for mom’s to do with your primary kids! We would love to get EVERYONE involved! Please make hearts for each return missionary.

There will be boxes on Sister Burt’s front porch for you to leave your hearts in.  Please drop them off anytime on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.“

David Alder (Florida): Social Distancing and sharing the gospel via Facebook and the phone in Florida

Mathew Backlund (Arizona): Social Distancing in Gilbert

Landon Burt (Peru):  Should be in Salt Lake on Saturday, 4/4.  Keep him in your prayers for safe return

Camren Christensen: Came home from the Ivory Coast Tuesday 3/31.  He is currently in the 14 day quarantine but doing well.

Parker Horman (Mexico): Came home from Mexico on 3/27.  He is currently in the 14 day quarantine doing well.

Evan Lagerholm (California): Social distancing in Santa Maria and doing well.

Enoch Shumway (Oregon): Completes his mission on April 8th this next week.

Jackson Weston: Came home from Brazil on 3/27 and currently in the 14 day quarantine.

Mike and Zoe Anne Weston:  Came home from Ghana on 3/26 and currently in 14 day quarantine.

Jaxon Jensen (Arizona 17 June 2020):


Can be made online or mailed to the bishop’s home.  With help setting up online donations feel free to contact one of the bishopric councilors.


Ordinations, mission and living ordinances will resume virtually via Zoom.  Please contact Ryan Jenson if these should apply to you.

Temple recommend renewals are on hold until further notice.


NO SACRAMENT this week due to General Conference.  The Bishop has authorized weekly administration of the sacrament in your homes.  When the sacrament is done, we have been advised that the sacrament administration should NOT mimic the sacrament meeting at church.

Meaning that the bishop ultimately has the keys to conduct sacrament meetings and has authorized this ordinance to be done in the home.  Instead of talks and regular meeting style behavior which would be presided over by the bishop, the time spent as a family could be used in discussion and family council.


Brother Curtis Jacobs continues with his institute class available online. 

Week 1:

Week 2:

There is an institute class for return missionaries.  Please contact the bishop for more on this information.

Service Opportunities:

Blood Drive scheduled for April 10th.  For more information check your email or contact Kevin Federico from the stake at


Baptisms and Funerals can be streamed live except for the ordinance of the baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Logan Home Storage Center will be closed 4/3/2020

All Temples remain closed

Message forwarded from the Stake President written by the Bear River Health Department:

In Utah, our modeling indicates that we are likely to see a significant increase in cases that will peak the latter part of April, at which time we are hopeful that the curve will begin a decline.  Would you please strongly encourage those who are 60 and Over, who are immunocompromised, or have some sort of underlying health condition regardless of age to remain home and away from contact with others.  This singe intervention will save lives and flatten the curve of what is projected to come.

We are also aware of the stress and anxiety that this particular time can put on all of us. Information overload from so many sources can have a negative influence on an individual’s mental health.  Because of this, we encourage everyone to get information from reputable sources such as the CDC, Utah Department of Health and the Bear River Health department ( 

Thank you so much for your help during this challenging time.  If you have questions, please feel free to call us at 435-792-6500.